Scheduled Tribe of Meghalaya

Scheduled Tribe of Meghalaya

  • Based on 2011 Census total popultaion of India is 121.08 Crore out of which ST population is 10.45 Crore (8.6%) .
  • The tribal communities in India are enormously diverse and heterogeneous. There are wide ranging diversities among them in respect of languages spoken, size of population and mode of livelihood.
  • The number of communities that find their place in the list of the Schedule of the Indian constitution is reflective of this diversity. The Government of India, in its Draft National Tribal Policy, 2006 records 698 Scheduled Tribes in India.
  • As per the Census of India 2011, the number of individual groups notified as Scheduled Tribes is 705.Scheduled Tribe of Meghalaya
  • Tribes of Meghalaya represent the inhabitants of Meghalaya who reside in the foothills as well as within the mountain ranges of Garo, Khasi and Jaintia.
  • The origin of these tribes can be traced from the Tibeto-Burman race and Proto Austroloid Monkhmer race. While the Garos can be traced as the descendents of Tibeto-Burman race, the Khasis and the Jaintias are claimed to have belonged to the Proto Austroloid Monkhmer race.
  • Along with this there are a number of tribes like the Bhois, Khynriams and the Wars who reside in the northern, southern and central parts of Meghalaya.
  • Largely the tribal groups follow Christianity though the state follows all the 3 religions namely Hinduism, Buddhism as well as Christianity.
  • Tribes of Meghalaya are distinctly marked for their social structure. The traditional dress of Meghalaya is known as ‘Jymphong’ which is often worn during the festivals and ceremonies.
  • The tribal society of Meghalaya primarily depends on subsistence agriculture.

In According to 2011 Census and Ministry of Tribal Affiars Reports the Tribal Polpulation of Meghalaya

Total Population of Meghalaya


Total Population of ST in Meghalaya


Percentage of ST population on Meghalaya


% STs in the State to total ST population in India


Sex Ratio in STs (Gender Composition of Scheduled Tribe Population) 1013
Literacy Rates of ST Population in State 74.4%


Total Scheduled Tribes in Meghalaya that included in Constiturional List of Scheduled tribe by Government of India through President order with Name like


  1. Chakma
  2. Dimasa, Kachari
  3. Garo
  4. Hajong
  5. Hmar
  6. Khasi, Jaintia, Synteng, Pnar, War,
  7. Bhoi, Lyngngam
  8. Any Kuki tribes, including:-
    1. Biate, Biete
    2. Changsan
    3. Chongloi
    4. Doungel
    5. Gamalhou
    6. Gangte
    7. Guite
    8. Hanneng
    9. Haokip, Haupit
    10. Haolai
    11. Hengna
    12. Hongsungh
    13. Hrangkhwal, Rangkhol
    14. Jongbe
    15. Khawchung
    16. Khawathlang, Khothalong
    17. Khelma
    18. Kholhou
    19. Kipgen
    20. Kuki
    21. Lengthang
    22. Lhangum
    23. Lhoujem
    24. Lhouvun
    25. Lupheng
    26. Mangjel
    27. Misao
    28. Riang
    29. Sairhem
    30. Selnam
    31. Singson
    32. Sitlhou
    33. Sukte
    34. Thado
    35. Thangngeu
    36. Uibuh
    37. Vaiphei
  9. Lakher
  10. Man (Tai Speaking)
  11. Any Mizo (Lushai) tribes
  12. Mikir
  13. Any Naga tribes
  14. Pawi
  15. Synteng
  16. Boro Kacharis
  17. Koch
  18. Raba, Rava


State  List of the Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups

PVTGs, currently including 75 tribal groups, have been identified as such on the basis of the following criteria:

  1. forest-dependent livelihoods,
  2. pre-agricultural level of existence,
  3. stagnant or declining population,
  4. low literacy rates
  5. a subsistence-based economy.

As currently there is no tribal group included in this list.

Sixth Scheduled of Consstitution which govern these tribes

The original Sixth Schedule areas created in 1952 underwent a drastic reorganization in 1971; some areas were put under newly created States such as Mizoram and Meghalaya which were carved out of the erstwhile Assam State. The Sixth Schedule (Article 244 (2) and 275 (1)) provides for administration of Tribal Areas in the States of Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram through Autonomous District and Regional Councils endowed with legislative, judicial, and executive powers.

The Sixth Schedule under Article 244 (2) provides for the creation of Autonomous District Councils (ADC) in an Autonomous District and Regional Councils for autonomous regions. These Councils have legislative powers on matters relating to:

  • allotment, occupation, or the setting apart of land, other than reserved forests, for the purpose of agricultural or grazing or for residential or other non-agricultural purposes or for any other purpose likely to promote the interests of the inhabitants of any village or town (Provided that nothing in such laws shall prevent the compulsory acquisition of any land, whether occupied or unoccupied for public purpose)
  • management of any forest not being a Reserved Forest
  • use of any canal or water course for purpose of agriculture
  • regulation of the practice of jhum or any other form of shifting cultivation
  • establishment of village or town committees or Councils and their powers
  • any other matter relating to village or town administration, including village and town police, public health and sanitation
  • appointment of succession of chiefs or headmen
  • inheritance of property
  • marriage and divorce
  • social custom
  • The entire State of Meghalaya except Shillong area is covered under the provisions of the Sixth Schedule of the Constitution. Meghalaya has three Autonomous District Councils under the Sixth Schedule of the Constitution. These are –
  1. Khasi Hills Autonomous District Council (KHADC),
  2. Garo Hills Autonomous District Council (GHADC),
  3. and the Jaintia Hills Autonomous District Council (JHADC).


Major Tribal Group of Meghalaya

Garo Tribe of Meghalaya:

  • The Garos are mainly distributed over the Kamrup, Goalpara and Karbi Anglong districts of Assam, Garo Hills and few in Khasi Hills in Meghalaya and Dimapur (Nagaland State), substantial numbers, about 200,000 are found in greater Mymens ingh ( Tangail, Jamalpur, Sherpore, Netrakona, Mymensingh) and capital Dhaka, Gazipur, Sirajgonj, Rangpur, Sunamganj, Sylhet, Moulovibazar districts of Bangladesh. It is estimated that total Garo population in India and Bangladesh together is about 1 million.
  • They originally belong to the Bodo family from the Tibetan-Burmese race; also reside in the plains of Assam and Bangladesh.
  • The Garo language belongs to the Bodo–Garo branch of the Tibeto-Burman language family.
  • The Garos are one of the few remaining matrilineal societies in the world. The individuals take their clan titles from their mothers. Traditionally, the youngest daughter (nokmechik) inherits the property from her mother. Sons leave the parents’ house at puberty, and are trained in the village bachelor dormitory (nokpante). After getting married, the man lives in his wife’s house. Garos are only a matrilinear society, but not matriarchal. While the property is owned by women, the men govern the society and domestic affairs and manage the property. This provides security to Garo women.
  • Like other tribes in Meghalaya these tribes too follow maternal lineage in case of inheritance of property and enjoy all kind of vegetarian well as non-vegetarian food in case of regional delicacies.
  • The Garos rely on nature, their profession is hunting and warrior known as They practice jhum cultivation which is the most common agricultural tradition.
  • The most popular food of the Garo tribes is rice with capsicum, onion and salt.
  • Garo literature mainly transferred from generation to generation and one place to another orally. Most of the oral tradition now become the element of Garo literature
  • Greatest among Garo festivals is the Wangala, usually celebrated in October or November, is thanksgiving after harvest in which Saljong, the god who provides mankind with Nature’s bounties and ensures their prosperity, is honor.

Khasi Tribe of Meghalaya:

  • According to the 2011 Census of India, over 1.72 million Khasi lived in Meghalaya in the districts of East Khasi Hills, West Khasi Hills, South West Khasi Hills, Ri-Bhoi, West Jaintia Hills and East Jaintia Hills. In Assam, their population reached 35,000.
  • They are the largest tribal group of North eastern region. Khasis are known with a number of names in different parts of Meghalaya.
  • The Khasi people of the War sub-tribe designed and built the famous living root bridgesof the Cherrapunji
  • As a religion they follow Christianity (85%), Ka Niam Khasi (10%), Hinduism (3%), and Islam (2%)
  • The Khasis are, for the most part, Their social organisation does not favour other forms of marriage; therefore, deviation from this norm is quite rare. Young men and women are permitted considerable freedom in the choice of mates. Potential marriage partners are likely to have been acquainted before betrothal.
  • The traditional political structure of the Khasi community was democratic in nature. The Khasis consisted of ‘native states’ which would congregate during dorbars or sessions and come to a decision regarding any dispute or problems that would arise in the community much like the Panchayati Raj prevalent in most Indian States

Jaintia Tribe of Meghalaya:

  • Jaintias too reside in the foot hills of Jaintia Hills from where they collect their name.
  • These are a type of Khasi tribe which further includes Bhoi in the northern Meghalaya; Khynriam in the central Meghalaya; Pnar of the Jaintia hills; War in the southern Meghalaya.
  • Achiks are another group of Garo tribes who comprise one third of Meghalaya’s tribal community.

Irrigation and hydro power of Meghalaya

Irrigation and hydro power of Meghalaya

Bamboo irrigation in Meghalaya

In Meghalaya (one of the seven northeastern states in India), an ingenious system of tapping of stream and springwater by using bamboo pipes to irrigate plantations is widely prevalent. It is so perfected that about 18-20 litres of water entering the bamboo pipe system per minute gets transported over several hundred metres and finally gets reduced to 20-80 drops per minute at the site of the plant. The tribal farmers of Khasi and Jaintia hills use the 200-year-old system.Irrigation and hydro power of Meghalaya

Dating back 200 years, tribes in Meghalaya have used bamboo drip irrigation as a means of bringing water to seasonal crops. This traditional technology uses locally available material while harnessing the forces of gravity. Holed bamboo shoots are placed downhill, diverting the natural flow of streams and springs across terraced cropland. The advantages of using bamboo are such that it prevents leakage, increases crop yield with less water, and makes use of natural, local, and inexpensive material.

The Jaintia, Khasi, and Garo hills of Meghalaya are largely made up of steep slopes and generally rocky terrain where the soil has low water retention capacity and where the use of groundwater channels is impossible. During the dry seasons, rain fed crops such as paddy, betel leaf, and black peppers can be irrigated by bamboo drip irrigation.

The bamboo drip irrigation system is normally used to irrigate the betel leaf or black pepper crops planted in arecanut orchards or in mixed orchards. Bamboo pipes are used to divert perennial springs on the hilltops to the lower reaches by gravity. The channel sections, made of bamboo, divert and convey water to the plot site where it is distributed without leakage into branches, again made and laid out with different forms of bamboo pipes. Manipulating the intake pipe positions also controls the flow of water into the lateral pipes. Reduced channel sections and diversion units are used at the last stage of water application. The last channel section enables the water to be dropped near the roots of the plan.


Bench terrace Irrigation practice

This is the common irrigation practice in Meghalaya as well as throughout the North East Himalayan region. The hill streams are tapped as soon as they emerge from the forests and the water is channeled to accommodate a series of terraces. In this system, water flows continuously from the upper to lower terraces. This method of irrigation practice is widely used for non-fertile land to be utilized for raising rice crops. Stone and gunny bags help in the maintenance of terraces and stop soil erosion problems. Submergence of water up to 5 – 8 cm is maintained continuously throughout the year. After harvesting, ear head of rice is plucked and the straw is left as such in the field, which then gets rotted and helps improving soil fertility. Mostly all farm operation is done manually; bullock power is used for field preparations only in some pockets of Meghalaya.  Bench terracing is an important conservation measure for valleys and hill slopes. This is used predominantly for rice cultivation. In bench terrace agriculture practice under rainfed condition, topo-sequence crops such as maize, bean and potato are planted on upper slopes and crop requiring more water such as rice and jute are grown on lower slopes. The excess runoff from upper portion of slope is nutrient rich, utilized for the lower hill crops.

Hydro power in Meghalaya

Meghalaya is rich in potential water power resources, hydro power has played an important role in the state’s energy policy.

Small Hydro Power

In a move that aims to address the power requirements of the Megahlaya, as many as 50 mini and micro hydel power projects have been identified to be set up in different districts of the state.

The projects which have already been commissioned include Sonapani on Wahumkhra-Umshyrpi river, Pashyiang Micro HEP on Barim river and Umsaw Micro HEP on Umsaw river. The Lakhroh Micro HEP on Lakhroh river in Jaintia Hills district is under construction.

The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) has also identified 37 mini and micro hydel projects in the state with a cumulative power generation capacity of around 8.5 MW. Out of the total 37 projects, elecven project sites are located in West Garo Hills, South Garo Hills and East Garo Hills districts; nine of them in West Khasi Hills district; eight in East Khasi Hills district; six in the Jaintia Hills district and three in Ri Bhoi district.

Some of the hydro power projects in Meghalaya are as follows:

Myntdu-Leshka Hydro Project

The Myntdu-Leshka Hydro Project Dam (3X42 MW)[2] built across the river, undertaken by MeECL, scheduled in three phases, is located at Leshka, West Jaintia Hills district, Meghalaya near Amlarem, the sub-division headquarters. The project cost is estimated to be around INR 360 crores.

Umiam Hydro Power Complex

All the power stations are in the Umtru River which flows to the north into the mighty Brahmaputra. Running adjacent to this river are two other rivers viz. the Umiam and the Khri. Water from the Umiam basin is diverted into the adjacent Umtru basin thus enhancing the water flow of the Umtru River where all four power stations are constructed. In a similar manner, the water from the Khri River is also intended to be diverted to the existing reservoirs at the Umtru River to further enhance the power generation at the existing system.


Cropping pattern of Meghalaya

Cropping pattern of Meghalaya

Meghalaya is predominantly an agrarian state where majority of population live in rural areas. Traditional shifting or slash-and-burn cultivation (locally known as ‘Jhum’) is a primitive method of agriculture, largely practised by the hill tribes, major residents of the Garo Hills region of Meghalaya, is not only a source of livelihood for them but is also a culture, weaning away from which is difficult, if not impossible. Since ‘Jhum’ is unsustainable it is time that there is some basic diversification in the agriculture of the state which may be in any one sector or across some of the sub-sectors of agriculture.

Crop diversification provides efficient use of farm inputs and contributes to a strong rural economy. Based on several micro level studies, it is argued that diversification could be a tool to augment farm income, generate employment, alleviate poverty and ensure environmental safety.Cropping pattern of Meghalaya

Meghalaya’s cropping pattern was rice/cereal dominated, but by 2006, there had been a decline in the relative share of total paddy in the state’s gross cropped.area. Intra paddy variation tells us that both winter paddy and autumn paddy lost area to spring paddy. Though there was a declining trend in cereal (except other cereals and small millets) including paddy, area under pulses showed rising trend. Total food grains showed a declining trend. Percentage share of area of total oilseeds to its GCA remained almost constant over the period of study and relative area share of vegetables had gone up marginally over the period of study; Percentage share of area under total fibre (jute, mesta, cotton) had gone down whereas total fruits have gained area. Area under condiments and spices and field crops had increased. Though absolute area under plantation crop had increased, in terms of relative share, there had been a decline in area under plantation crop. Gross cropped area in the state has gone up by 8.85 percent over a period of three decades i.e., the reference period under study.

West Garo Hills cropping pattern is food grain dominated, though share of area under total food grain is on the decline. Area under Jhum paddy, has been declining in all the blocks of West Garo Hills due to diversification and replacement by other high value crops like arecanut, cashew nut, citrus fruits, black pepper etc. Wheat is also losing area continuously since 1977.

There is a downward movement in absolute area occupied by maize, but relative area allocation under maize shows an upward trend. Area under total pulses was almost double in 30 years and there has been a rise in area under other cereals and small millets also. Area under total oil seed is almost constant, though area under sesame and rape and mustard both had gone up since 1977.


Relief and structure of Meghalaya

Relief and structure of Meghalaya

Meghalaya is an upland area formed by a detached block of the Deccan plateau. Its summits vary in elevation from 4,000 to 6,000 feet (1,220 to 1,830 metres). The Garo Hills in the west rise abruptly from the Brahmaputra River valley to about 1,000 feet (300 metres) and then merge with the Khasi Hills and Jaintia Hills, adjacent highland systems that form a single massif of tablelands separated by a series of eastward-trending ridges. The southern faces of the plateau, overlooking the Bangladesh lowlands, is particularly steep.

Meghalaya Plateau belongs to the part of Super Continent of Gondwanaland, i.e., the Peninsular table land, but is detached from the latter by the intervening spread of the alluvium of the Ganga and the Brahmaputra. The structural history of the region reveals several phases of erosion, sedimentation, diastrophism, intrusion, movements of land and sea, and emission.

The plateau is mainly made up of rocks of the pre-Cambrian age. The pre-Tertiary and Tertiary rocks occur above these rocks on its western and southern margins. Stratigraphically the rocks of the plateau belong to five broad geological formations, namely the Archaean gneissic complex, the Shillong group of rocks, the lower Gondwana, the Sylhet traps, and Cretaceous – Tertiary – Quarternary Sediment.

The Archaean-gneissic complex occupies the central and northern parts of Meghalaya Plateau. The rocks include gneiss, granite, quartzites, schists, etc. The Shillong group of rocks lying unconformably over the gneissic complex, occurs in the central and eastern parts of the plateau These include phylite, quartzites, schists and conglomerates.

The lower Gondwana rocks are found in the western part of Garo Hills which include pebble beds, sandstones and shale. The Sylhet trap is exposed along the southern border of the Khasi Hills in an east-west direction, and rests unconformably over the eroded pre-Cambrian basement rocks. These rocks are predominantly basalt, rhyolite and acid tuffs.

The Garo Hills region of the State, in its greater portion, is formed of gneissic rocks overlaid by sandstones and 1 conglomerates of Cretaceous-Tertiary system.

The sediments of this system of rocks are known as the Garo group in the region. This group of rocks is again divided into the Simsang, Baghmara and the Chengapara formations. The Simsang is the oldest formation in the Garo group which lies conformably over the Kopili series (the youngest formation of the Jaintia group of Cretaceous – Tertiary sediments), and consists of siitstone and sandstone.

the Baghmara formation includes sand, pebble, conglomerates and clay which lie conformably over the Simsang formation. The Chengapara formation consists of sand, siitstone and clay. On the top of these Cretaceous-Tertiary formations rests limestone of Numulitic age, while sandstones of upper Tertiary origin form low hiiis along the Mymensing border.Relief and structure of Meghalaya

The Khasi Hills are located east of the Garo Hills. The other Khasi tribes did not have princes but their twenty petty states (hima), and sometimes even smaller tribal divisions, are led by one or two Chiefs -selected in various ways- usually styled Siem, Syiem.  The names of these chieftainships are : Bhawal, Cherra (or Sohra; capital Cherrapunji), Dwara (capital Hat Dwara), Jirang, Khyri(e)m (capital Cherrapunjee, under a Radja), Langrin, Lungiong, Maharam, Malai Sohmat, Marriw, Mawdon, Mawiang, Mawlong, Mawphlang, Mylliem (including Shillong city, the colonial capital of all Tribal Assam), Nobosohphoh, Noglwai, Nongkhlaw, Nongspung, Nongstoin, Pamsanggut, Rambrai, Shella, Sohiong. or Sardar .

The Jaintia Hills are located further to the east from the Khasi Hills. The twelve Chiefs of the elaka (tribal province) of the Jaintia, a Khasi subtribe of the) Pantars = Syntengs tribes, are styled Dolloi, and the land is called after them in Khasi: KA RI KHADAR DOLLOI ‘Land of 12 Tribal Chiefs‘) – they are in Nartiang itself (see the Raja, uniquely also styled, as premier Chief: U Kongsong), and in Amwi, Jowai, Lakadong, Mynso, Nongbah, Nongjngi, Nongphyllut, Nongtallang, Raliang, Shangpung, Sutnga (see below; also cited as seat of a Syiem)  Above them is the only true princely ruler of the area, the Raja of Jaintiapur.

His winter capital is now in Bangladesh, with his summer residence shifted from Sutnga (where the family started as Syiems) to Nartiang; also a palace in the commercial center Borghat.  The Jaintia Hills used to be a part of the Jaintia Hills District. The district has been bifurcated into two separate districts,namely, East Jaintia Hills and West Jaintia Hills on 31 July 2012.


Schedule Tribe of Meghalaya

Schedule Tribe of Meghalaya

  • Based on 2011 Census total popultaion of India is 121.08 Crore out of which ST population is 10.45 Crore (8.6%) .
  • The tribal communities in India are enormously diverse and heterogeneous. There are wide ranging diversities among them in respect of languages spoken, size of population and mode of livelihood.
  • The number of communities that find their place in the list of the Schedule of the Indian constitution is reflective of this diversity. The Government of India, in its Draft National Tribal Policy, 2006 records 698 Scheduled Tribes in India.
  • As per the Census of India 2011, the number of individual groups notified as Scheduled Tribes is 705.
  • Schedule Tribe of Meghalaya represent the inhabitants of Meghalaya who reside in the foothills as well as within the mountain ranges of Garo, Khasi and Jaintia.
  • The origin of these tribes can be traced from the Tibeto-Burman race and Proto Austroloid Monkhmer race. While the Garos can be traced as the descendents of Tibeto-Burman race, the Khasis and the Jaintias are claimed to have belonged to the Proto Austroloid Monkhmer race.
  • Along with this there are a number of tribes like the Bhois, Khynriams and the Wars who reside in the northern, southern and central parts of Meghalaya.
  • Largely the tribal groups follow Christianity though the state follows all the 3 religions namely Hinduism, Buddhism as well as Christianity.
  • Schedule Tribe of Meghalaya are distinctly marked for their social structure. The traditional dress of Meghalaya is known as ‘Jymphong’ which is often worn during the festivals and ceremonies.
  • The tribal society of Meghalaya primarily depends on subsistence agriculture.

In According to 2011 Census and Ministry of Tribal Affiars Reports the Tribal Polpulation of Meghalaya

Total Population of Meghalaya


Total Population of ST in Meghalaya


Percentage of ST population on Meghalaya


% STs in the State to total ST population in India


Sex Ratio in STs (Gender Composition of Scheduled Tribe Population) 1013
Literacy Rates of ST Population in State 74.4%


Total Schedule Tribe of Meghalaya that included in Constiturional List of Scheduled tribe by Government of India through President order with Name like


  1. Chakma
  2. Dimasa, Kachari
  3. Garo
  4. Hajong
  5. Hmar
  6. Khasi, Jaintia, Synteng, Pnar, War,
  7. Bhoi, Lyngngam
  8. Any Kuki tribes, including:-
    1. Biate, Biete
    2. Changsan
    3. Chongloi
    4. Doungel
    5. Gamalhou
    6. Gangte
    7. Guite
    8. Hanneng
    9. Haokip, Haupit
    10. Haolai
    11. Hengna
    12. Hongsungh
    13. Hrangkhwal, Rangkhol
    14. Jongbe
    15. Khawchung
    16. Khawathlang, Khothalong
    17. Khelma
    18. Kholhou
    19. Kipgen
    20. Kuki
    21. Lengthang
    22. Lhangum
    23. Lhoujem
    24. Lhouvun
    25. Lupheng
    26. Mangjel
    27. Misao
    28. Riang
    29. Sairhem
    30. Selnam
    31. Singson
    32. Sitlhou
    33. Sukte
    34. Thado
    35. Thangngeu
    36. Uibuh
    37. Vaiphei
  9. Lakher
  10. Man (Tai Speaking)
  11. Any Mizo (Lushai) tribes
  12. Mikir
  13. Any Naga tribes
  14. Pawi
  15. Synteng
  16. Boro Kacharis
  17. Koch
  18. Raba, Rava


State  List of the Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups

PVTGs, currently including 75 tribal groups, have been identified as such on the basis of the following criteria:

  1. forest-dependent livelihoods,
  2. pre-agricultural level of existence,
  3. stagnant or declining population,
  4. low literacy rates
  5. a subsistence-based economy.

As currently there is no tribal group included in this list.

Sixth Scheduled of Consstitution which govern these tribes

The original Sixth Schedule areas created in 1952 underwent a drastic reorganization in 1971; some areas were put under newly created States such as Mizoram and Meghalaya which were carved out of the erstwhile Assam State. The Sixth Schedule (Article 244 (2) and 275 (1)) provides for administration of Tribal Areas in the States of Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram through Autonomous District and Regional Councils endowed with legislative, judicial, and executive powers.

The Sixth Schedule under Article 244 (2) provides for the creation of Autonomous District Councils (ADC) in an Autonomous District and Regional Councils for autonomous regions. These Councils have legislative powers on matters relating to:

  • allotment, occupation, or the setting apart of land, other than reserved forests, for the purpose of agricultural or grazing or for residential or other non-agricultural purposes or for any other purpose likely to promote the interests of the inhabitants of any village or town (Provided that nothing in such laws shall prevent the compulsory acquisition of any land, whether occupied or unoccupied for public purpose)
  • management of any forest not being a Reserved Forest
  • use of any canal or water course for purpose of agriculture
  • regulation of the practice of jhum or any other form of shifting cultivation
  • establishment of village or town committees or Councils and their powers
  • any other matter relating to village or town administration, including village and town police, public health and sanitation
  • appointment of succession of chiefs or headmen
  • inheritance of property
  • marriage and divorce
  • social custom
  • The entire State of Meghalaya except Shillong area is covered under the provisions of the Sixth Schedule of the Constitution. Meghalaya has three Autonomous District Councils under the Sixth Schedule of the Constitution. These are –
  1. Khasi Hills Autonomous District Council (KHADC),
  2. Garo Hills Autonomous District Council (GHADC),
  3. and the Jaintia Hills Autonomous District Council (JHADC).


Major Tribal Group of Meghalaya

Garo Schedule Tribe of Meghalaya:

  • The Garos are mainly distributed over the Kamrup, Goalpara and Karbi Anglong districts of Assam, Garo Hills and few in Khasi Hills in Meghalaya and Dimapur (Nagaland State), substantial numbers, about 200,000 are found in greater Mymens ingh ( Tangail, Jamalpur, Sherpore, Netrakona, Mymensingh) and capital Dhaka, Gazipur, Sirajgonj, Rangpur, Sunamganj, Sylhet, Moulovibazar districts of Bangladesh. It is estimated that total Garo population in India and Bangladesh together is about 1 million.
  • They originally belong to the Bodo family from the Tibetan-Burmese race; also reside in the plains of Assam and Bangladesh.Schedule Tribe of Meghalaya
  • The Garo language belongs to the Bodo–Garo branch of the Tibeto-Burman language family.
  • The Garos are one of the few remaining matrilineal societies in the world. The individuals take their clan titles from their mothers. Traditionally, the youngest daughter (nokmechik) inherits the property from her mother. Sons leave the parents’ house at puberty, and are trained in the village bachelor dormitory (nokpante). After getting married, the man lives in his wife’s house. Garos are only a matrilinear society, but not matriarchal. While the property is owned by women, the men govern the society and domestic affairs and manage the property. This provides security to Garo women.
  • Like other tribes in Meghalaya these tribes too follow maternal lineage in case of inheritance of property and enjoy all kind of vegetarian well as non-vegetarian food in case of regional delicacies.
  • The Garos rely on nature, their profession is hunting and warrior known as They practice jhum cultivation which is the most common agricultural tradition.
  • The most popular food of the Garo tribes is rice with capsicum, onion and salt.
  • Garo literature mainly transferred from generation to generation and one place to another orally. Most of the oral tradition now become the element of Garo literature
  • Greatest among Garo festivals is the Wangala, usually celebrated in October or November, is thanksgiving after harvest in which Saljong, the god who provides mankind with Nature’s bounties and ensures their prosperity, is honor.

Khasi Schedule Tribe of Meghalaya:

  • According to the 2011 Census of India, over 1.72 million Khasi lived in Meghalaya in the districts of East Khasi Hills, West Khasi Hills, South West Khasi Hills, Ri-Bhoi, West Jaintia Hills and East Jaintia Hills. In Assam, their population reached 35,000.
  • They are the largest tribal group of North eastern region. Khasis are known with a number of names in different parts of Meghalaya.
  • The Khasi people of the War sub-tribe designed and built the famous living root bridgesof the Cherrapunji.Schedule Tribe of Meghalaya
  • As a religion they follow Christianity (85%), Ka Niam Khasi (10%), Hinduism (3%), and Islam (2%)
  • The Khasis are, for the most part, Their social organisation does not favour other forms of marriage; therefore, deviation from this norm is quite rare. Young men and women are permitted considerable freedom in the choice of mates. Potential marriage partners are likely to have been acquainted before betrothal.
  • The traditional political structure of the Khasi community was democratic in nature. The Khasis consisted of ‘native states’ which would congregate during dorbars or sessions and come to a decision regarding any dispute or problems that would arise in the community much like the Panchayati Raj prevalent in most Indian States

Jaintia Schedule Tribe of Meghalaya :

  • Jaintias too reside in the foot hills of Jaintia Hills from where they collect their name.
  • These are a type of Khasi tribe which further includes Bhoi in the northern Meghalaya; Khynriam in the central Meghalaya; Pnar of the Jaintia hills; War in the southern Meghalaya.
  • Achiks are another group of Garo tribes who comprise one third of Meghalaya’s tribal community.

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