Fishing in Meghalaya

Fishing in Meghalaya

Meghalaya, with its vast inland fishery resources in the form of rivers, reservoirs, lakes and ponds and an average rainfall of 1200 mm, offers tremendous scope for developing the fisheries sector, but lags behind in harnessing the potential of these natural resources. The available land in most parts of Meghalaya is uneven in terrain which makes it somewhat difficult to develop fisheries on commercial lines. However, rain water can be impounded in small ponds for the production of fish and inland fisheries therefore, offering a potential that can be successfully exploited by the people of the state. Furthermore, creation of additional water area for fish culture will lead to a transformation in the rural economy and improve the livelihoods of the poor tremendously.

The Government of Meghalaya has identified fisheries as a key sector and decided to assist the people to develop fish ponds. It has launched the Meghalaya State Aquaculture Mission (MSAM) co-terminus with the Twelfth Five Year Plan period (20 12-13 to 20 16-17).

Meghalaya State Aquaculture Mission (MSAM)

The Aquaculture Mission is divided into six Mini Missions for better focus and ease of implementation. Mini Mission I is related to “Area and Productivity Expansion”, which will be achieved through four sub components, viz., individual pond construction, community pond construction, development of marshy and swampy areas and bheels and reservoir fishery development. Mini Mission II is for “Critical infrastructure development”, which has five components: fish seed production, fish feed production, fish disease management, pre and post harvesting infrastructure and creation and strengthening of fishery and multi-purpose cooperatives. Fish seed production will be achieved through Government and private hatcheries and utilizing FRP technology as also inducting Israeli technology.

Establishing sanctuaries for conserving indigenous and endemic species of fish is the focus of Mini Mission III. Surveys for identifying the endangered species, orientation workshops and media campaigns will be organised under the Mission. The Mission will collaborate with the Department of Tourism for boosting the objectives and targets of the Mission related to Mahaseer and other native species conservation. Mini Mission IV is for “Capacity Building” of farmers as well as officials, programme managers, multi-service providers, co-operators, etc. Mass mobilization campaigns and skill trainings for unemployed youth will be organised under this mini mission. Mini Mission V is titled “Mass media campaigns, documentation and outreach”, which will take care of two important activities, viz., awareness building about the Mission and publicity among the public and process documentation of the implementation and preparation of success stories.

Mini Mission VI deals with “Emerging opportunities in the fisheries sector”, which is an exclusive visionary component envisaged for tapping the emerging opportunities and addressing them with scientific backstopping. Ornamental fisheries, trout farming, introduction of freshwater prawn culture and new table species of fish and aqua tourism/ aqua parks/ sport fisheries will be the components under this mini mission.

Other Initiatives

Water development

The Department of agriculture has given emphasis in utilizing micro-watershed irrigation projects towards development of fisheries to optimize production of fishes from such rain water harvesting projects. Training and demonstration has been disseminated at the fisheries training institute to villagers 12 Small Reservoirs Multipurpose Development Projects and other communities who own these watershed project for utilizing modern technologies and identification of fish species which are suitable for culturing in these small reservoir.Fishing in Meghalaya

Sustainable diversification

Fish species diversification is a common practice by the fish farmer of the state and has been carried out in an extensive way with or without any assistance from the Government. It has been noted that this has helped the farmer particularly in Ri Bhoi District and in Garo hills District having the favourable climatic condition that culture of Air breathing fishes as other minor carps like Labio Gonious, Labio Bata, Cirhinus Cirhosa and others have improved the livelihood condition of the farmer in these regions.


Seeds are the major requirement by the fish farmer of the state. Since time immemorial the state is dependent on neighbouring state of Assam and West Bengal and this is a major drawback as the seeds supplied are not upto the desired quality. Looking into this sector with serious concern the state fisheries Department during the 12th Plan period has established 12 nos. of Circular Eco-Hatcheries and 14 nos. of FRP hatcheries to augment fish seed production and to supply good quality seeds to the fish farmers. These hatcheries have been established in the private sector with 60% subsidy to the total unit cost. Further, under the funding of RKVY and NFDB schemes the Department is able to upgrade several Departmental fish farms which will serve the purpose of producing quality seeds in the state. The problem encountered in this field is the high mortality during fry stage which ultimately leads to low production of fingerling stage.

Livestock and fishery

The state has so far developed an approximate area of about 2500 hectare to support fish culture and production form individual as well as community fishery project. An approximate 8000 MT of fishes is being locally produced and consumed. Apart from this the state also has various fishery resources in the form of rivers and lakes which offers tremendous scope for developing the fishery sector but harnessing the potential of these natural resources is a major problem. The topography of the region makes it somewhat difficult to develop fishery on a commercial line. However rain water is being impounded through development of Rain water harvesting structures and small ponds for the production of fishes in the state. There are number of bheels and wetland in the plain areas of Garo Hills that have great potentiality for increasing the fish production.



Research and Extension

The State Department has one Research and Training Institute which carries out Extension and Training to Fish farmers as well as Fishery Supervisors and Demonstrators. However, various problems arise due to the absence of advance instruments in detecting and to carry out research in fish diseases. It is suggested that the State should have mobile laboratories so that analysis of water and soil may be carried out at the village level to upgrade and to standardize fish culture for optimum growth and production. One laboratory is also required for Fish disease management and Research and Analysis Unit for identification of Fish Genetics.


Cropping pattern of Meghalaya

Cropping pattern of Meghalaya

Meghalaya is predominantly an agrarian state where majority of population live in rural areas. Traditional shifting or slash-and-burn cultivation (locally known as ‘Jhum’) is a primitive method of agriculture, largely practised by the hill tribes, major residents of the Garo Hills region of Meghalaya, is not only a source of livelihood for them but is also a culture, weaning away from which is difficult, if not impossible. Since ‘Jhum’ is unsustainable it is time that there is some basic diversification in the agriculture of the state which may be in any one sector or across some of the sub-sectors of agriculture.

Crop diversification provides efficient use of farm inputs and contributes to a strong rural economy. Based on several micro level studies, it is argued that diversification could be a tool to augment farm income, generate employment, alleviate poverty and ensure environmental safety.Cropping pattern of Meghalaya

Meghalaya’s cropping pattern was rice/cereal dominated, but by 2006, there had been a decline in the relative share of total paddy in the state’s gross cropped.area. Intra paddy variation tells us that both winter paddy and autumn paddy lost area to spring paddy. Though there was a declining trend in cereal (except other cereals and small millets) including paddy, area under pulses showed rising trend. Total food grains showed a declining trend. Percentage share of area of total oilseeds to its GCA remained almost constant over the period of study and relative area share of vegetables had gone up marginally over the period of study; Percentage share of area under total fibre (jute, mesta, cotton) had gone down whereas total fruits have gained area. Area under condiments and spices and field crops had increased. Though absolute area under plantation crop had increased, in terms of relative share, there had been a decline in area under plantation crop. Gross cropped area in the state has gone up by 8.85 percent over a period of three decades i.e., the reference period under study.

West Garo Hills cropping pattern is food grain dominated, though share of area under total food grain is on the decline. Area under Jhum paddy, has been declining in all the blocks of West Garo Hills due to diversification and replacement by other high value crops like arecanut, cashew nut, citrus fruits, black pepper etc. Wheat is also losing area continuously since 1977.

There is a downward movement in absolute area occupied by maize, but relative area allocation under maize shows an upward trend. Area under total pulses was almost double in 30 years and there has been a rise in area under other cereals and small millets also. Area under total oil seed is almost constant, though area under sesame and rape and mustard both had gone up since 1977.


Animal husbandry in Meghalaya

Animal husbandry in Meghalaya

Livestock including Poultry is an integral part of agriculture and contributes significantly to rural economy. While agriculture contributes about 30% of the total output of GDP, livestock including poultry constitutes about 25% of the total agricultural output. Rearing of livestock and poultry is an age old practice in the country with no exception to the State of Meghalaya. Livestock production has a much larger contribution to manpower employment than agriculture, while eggs, milk and meat production help in stepping up crop production through the availability of cash to the livestock farmer which is utilised for purchase of seed, manure and fertilizers for agricultural operation. Establishment of dairy, poultry, goat, pig farms help solve unemployment problems and provide valuable protein, vitamin and mineral rich materials like eggs, milk and meat. Organic manure from livestock and poultry enrich the soil for higher production of crop, vegetable and flower as well as horticultural produce.

In the State of Meghalaya, due to peculiar topography, varying climatic situation and socio-economic condition, the agriculture operation constitute to only about 10% of the total land under cultivation, thereby livestock and poultry provide the alternative avocation to the farmers for a subsidiary living.

Though the present output of livestock production in the State has been increasing at higher proportion to the growth of human population, the overall availability situation is not encouraging to the extent that as against the requirement of 220 gm of milk per person per day, only 75 gm is now available in the State. Similarly, availability of eggs per person per year is only 35 as against the requirement of 150. Therefore greater efforts are necessary to close the gap between demand and supply.Animal husbandry in Meghalaya

The department of Animal husbandry & Veterinary has taken up various measures to bring about a noticeable improvement in production, processing and marketing of livestock and livestock products. One such measure is to establish more farms with quality germplasm for making availability to farmers.


The activities of the Department were mainly centred round the broad objectives of :

  • Providing Health coverage to the Livestock and poultry population from the ravages of diseases through treatment and preventive vaccination.
  • Introducing improved breeding techniques for upgrading the Local Stock.
  • Ensuring better Animal Husbandry practices through scientific adoption and approach of Extension and Research.
  • Building up of adequate technical and professional man-power through Education and Training.
  • Encouraging setting up of livestock and poultry industries.

Infrastructure of the Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Department

Veterinary Hospital – 4

Veterinary Dispensaries – 113

Veterinary Aid Centres – 50

Mobile Veterinary Dispensaries – 15

Vigilance Unit – 7

Stockman Centres – 34

Key Village Centres – 15

Check Posts – 4

Disease Diagnostic Laboratories – 8

Cattle farm – 4

Buffalo Farm – 1

Poultry farm – 13

Pig farm – 13

During the last 40 years, the Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary has initiated various developmental programmes on different aspects of Livestock and Poultry sector for the interest of the State in general and the farmers in particular are as follows:

  • Cattle & Buffalo Development
  • Fodder Development
  • Poultry Development
  • Piggery Development
  • Sheep, Goat & Rabbit Development
  • Animal Health & Veterinary Services
  • Veterinary Research
  • Education and Training
  • Dairy Development
  • Subsidy Schemes
  • CSS Schemes

Cattle and buffalo development

This is an integrated programme of cattle & buffalo development which includes breeding, feeding and management practices to boost up milk production as well as to develop a suitable marketing network for milk and other milk products. There are four Cattle Farm and one Buffalo Farm in the state of Meghalaya. The department is also having 2 Intensive Cattle Development Project (ICDP) Centre for production of quality semen by establishing Liquid Nitrogen Plant. One at Upper Shillong and one at Tura. Artificial Insemination programmes in cattle are carried out in the field through 40 Stockman Centres and Key Village Centres spread throughout the State. The Objective is to upgrade the local cows and to augment milk production in the State.

Piggery development

Since the demand of pork in the State of Meghalaya is very high, the Government have established 13 Pig Farms in the State with the ultimate aim to augment production of pork. Pigs from these farm are being distribute to the farmers for further multiplication and up gradation of local stock The Pig farms are (i)Regional Pig Breeding Farm, Kyrdemkulai, (ii) Pig Farm, Mawryngkneng (iii) Pig Farm, Pynursla, (iv) Pig Farm, Thadlaskein (v) Pig Farm, Mairang (vi) Pig Farm, Nongstoin (vii) Pig Farm, Gindo(Waram Songma) (viii) Pig Farm, Dalu (ix) Pig Farm, Rongjeng (x) Pig Farm, Baghmara (xi) Pig Farm Laitryngew (xii) Pig Farm Nongkasen and ((xiii) Pig Farm Nongpiur.

Dairy development

The objective of the scheme is to supply wholesome milk to the consumers whereby milk is being procured from producers and distributed to the public after pastuerisation. The procurement and distribution has been given to their respective Agency/Society. The Department has got 3 Dairy Plants at Shillong, Jowai and Tura, and 2 Milk Chilling Plants, one each at Nongstoin and Resubelpara.



Rivers and drainage system of Meghalaya

Rivers and drainage system of Meghalaya

One of the world’s wettest regions is found in Meghalaya. Mawsynram and Cherrapunji (Sohra) in the East Khasi Hills district are geographically considered as the rainiest places in the World. — Cherrapunji, which has an average annual precipitation of about 11,430 mm (450 inches) during monsoon season (from May to September) and Mawsynram, a village directly west of Cherrapunji, where rainfall of around 17,800 mm (700 inches) per year has been recorded. The area receives rainfall on an average for 160 days in a year, spread over 6 to 8 months from March to October.

Physiographically, Meghalaya represents a remanant of an ancient plateau of Pre-Cambrian Peninsular shield, block lifted to its present height and is referred as Meghalaya Plateau or as Shillong-Mikir massif. It is the detached northeastern extension of Indian Peninsular shield, part of which lies beneath the alluvium deposited by Ganga Brahmaputra system of rivers. The rivers of the State are rainfed and therefore their discharge dwindles during summer. Important rivers in Garo Hills region are Daring, Sanda, Bugi, Dareng and Simsang. In the central and eastern part of the plateau are Umkhri, Digaru, Umngot and Myntdu rivers.

The surface water resource is tapped in a number of places by constructing dams across the rivers. The reservoirs, like the Umium and Kopili, so developed are not only used for irrigation and drinking water but also for generating electricity. Inspite of this, the area experiences shortage of water during the summer resulting in crisis for drinking water. This is mainly due to topographical and geomorphological conditions apart from alterations of the natural land surface by way of development, mining and urbanization.

Moreover, the characteristic hilly and steep sloping terrain condition in the area with localized small valleys results in very high surface run-off during the monsoon.

Some of the important rivers of Meghalaya are as follows:


Digaru is a river originating in the Garo-Khasi hills of Meghalaya state in India, flowing towards the northeast and then meeting the Kolong river and then merging with the Brahmaputra river. The name Digaru originated from a Kachari/Mech word ‘Di’ which means water and ‘Garo’ means the people living in the Garo hills. Hence Digaru literally means “water of the Garo”.

Kopili River

The Kopili originates in the Meghalaya plateau and flows through southern Assam before its confluence with the Brahmaputra. In Assam it drains the districts of Karbi Anglong, Dima Hasao, Kamrup and Rivers and drainage system of MeghalayaNagaon. The river flows for a total length of 290 kilometres (180 mi) and has a catchment area of 16,420 square kilometres (6,340 sq mi). It is noted for several spectacular waterfalls along its course which has several deep gorges and rapids in the 120 kilometres (75 mi) of its flow before debouching into the plains at Nagaon district.

Myntdu River

Myntdu River is one of the major water bodies in Jaintia Hills District, Meghalaya, locally known as ‘ka Tawiar ka Takan’ (Our Guardian Angel) in the Pnar dialect. It is a blessing to the residents of the town of Jowai and adjacent places. Its abundant water is used to irrigate the Myntdu Valley, located on the outskirts of Jowai town.  The river, originating at 1,420 metres (4,660 ft) above sea level, is fit for hydro-power development.

The river flows across Jowai, and then through Leshka (where a Hydro Project Dam is being constructed) to reach a village Borghat, within Jaintia Hills, before finally entering Bangladesh, where it is locally called ‘Shari’.

Piyain River

Piyain River a trans-boundary river of India and Bangladesh. It is a tributary of the Surma river, which is originates from the Umgat river of Assam. The river enters Bangladesh through Sylhet district. The length of the river is 145 km. Piyain river has emerged from the river om or Umagat river or Assam.

Someshwari River

Someshwari River, known as Simsang River in the Indian state of Meghalaya, is a major river in the Garo Hills of Meghalaya and Netrakona District of Bangladesh. It divides the Garo Hills into two parts.


Agriculture in Meghalaya

Agriculture in Meghalaya

Meghalaya is basically an agricultural state with about 80% of its population depending entirely on agriculture for their livelihood. Nearly 10% of the geographical area of Meghalaya is under cultivation. Agriculture in the state is characterised by limited use of modern techniques, low yields and low productivity. As a result, despite the vast majority of the population being engaged in agriculture, the contribution of agricultural production to the state’s GDP is low, and most of the population engaged in agriculture remain poor. A portion of the cultivated area is under the traditional shifting agriculture known locally as Jhum cultivation.Agriculture in Meghalaya

Meghalaya produced 230,000 tonnes of food grains in 2001. Rice is the dominant food grain crop accounting for over 80% of the food grain production in the state. Other important food grain crops are maize, wheat and a few other cereals and pulses. Besides these, potato, ginger, turmeric, black pepper, areca nut, tezpatta, betelvine, short-staple cotton, jute, mesta, mustard and rapeseed etc. are some of the important cash crops. Besides the major food crops of rice and maize, the state is renowned for its horticultural crops like orange, lemon, pineapple, guava, litchi, banana, jack fruits and fruits such as plum, pear and peach.

Oilseeds such as rapeseed, mustard, linseed, soybean, castor and sesame are grown on nearly 100 km2 (39 sq mi). Rape and mustard are the most important oilseeds accounting for well over two-thirds of the oilseed production of nearly 6.5 thousand tonnes. Fibre crops such as cotton, jute and mesta are among the only cash crops in Meghalaya, grown in Garo Hills.These have been losing popularity in recent years as indicated by their declining yield and area under cultivation.

Climatic conditions in Meghalaya permit a large variety of horticulture crops including fruits, vegetables, flowers, spices, mushrooms and medicinal plants.These are considered to be higher value crops, but home food security concerns have prevented farmers at large from embracing them. The important fruits grown include citrus fruits, pineapples, papayas, and bananas. In addition to this, a large variety of vegetables are grown in the state, including cauliflower, cabbages and radishes.

Shifting cultivation

Shifting cultivation or slash and burn agriculture is the most prevalent form of agricultural practice of the ethnic people and is commonly called Jhum or Swidden cultivation, which is one of the most ancient systems of farming believed to have originated in the Neolithic period around 7000 B C. This system is a primitive cultivation technique and is transition between food gathering and hunting to food production. The system of farming is still in vogue in Meghalaya as well as whole northeast Himalayan region. About 350,000 people practice shifting cultivation on about 4,160 km² of unsurveyed land. Shifting cultivation is a very wide term covering a number of very different forms of land use, its essential feature beings that the land is cleared and agricultural crops are grown for a limited period, which may range from one to over ten years, after which the cultivation is moved to a new site. The cultivators may or may not intend to return to the old site after the fertility of the soil has recovered.

The practice of shifting cultivation is short and has a variable fallow period. In general, hill people who live in tropical region practice shifting cultivation. After a piece of land is selected, trees or bushes are cut down partially or fully, left to dry and then burnt in situ. In the cleared land, seeds of crops are dibbled into holes or broadcast, without using ploughs or animal power. When the crop yield begins to decrease after some years, the cultivator moves to a new patch of forest to repeat the process, and allows the abandoned land to recuperate. After a period varying from 2-20 yrs, they return to the same land for cultivation. At present the duration of the fallow cycle has been reduced to 3 – 5 yrs in most of the northeastern states of India, this may be due to overwhelming pressure on land.

Shifting cultivation is the most primitive form of cultivation of agricultural crops. This practice has continued for thousands of years and stood the test of time. This practice has an in-built mechanism of sustenance and conservation. However, due to anthropogenic pressure on land use for shifting cultivation adversely affecting eco-restoration and ecological process of forests. This leads to degradation of land causing soil erosion and finally converting forests into wastelands. Shifting cultivation is mostly practiced in community forests of Meghalaya. In the state, the village council commonly called Dorbar Shnong owns the land, and allots the forestland for cultivation. The main interest of the cultivators is to produce almost everything that they need to fulfill their requirement.

Terrace or Bun cultivation

Bun cultivation on hill slopes and valleys is a settled cultivation system being practiced for last three decades, to provide improved production system, to conserve soil moisture and also to prevent land degradation and soil erosion. In this system, bench terraces are constructed on hill slopes running across the slopes. The space between two buns is leveled using cut and hill method. The vertical interval between the terraces is not usually more than one metre. Such measures help to prevent soil erosion and retaining maximum rainwater within the slopes and safely disposing off the excess runoff from the slopes to the foothills.


Natural hazards and related issues of Meghalaya

Natural hazards and related issues of Meghalaya

As the State lies in the seismically active zone, special emphasis should be given to reduce the impacts of earthquake. Moreover, it is also affected by hazards such as floods, flash floods, epidemics, fire, hailstorm, lightening, road accidents, etc.


The State of Meghalaya has witnessed seismic events of ‘8.7 magnitude in 1897’. This region has been identified as a potential site of a future catastrophic earthquake. With the growth of population and infrastructure seismic vulnerability has increased and previous earthquakes have provided a glimpse of the devastating potential of seismic tremors.


Meghalaya is situated in the north eastern direction of Bangladesh which is highly prone to cyclone/ winds. Every year about 60% of the area is affected by cyclone in Bangladesh. The Districts of West Jaintia Hills and East Jaintia Hills may experience a wind speed of up to 55m/s. Occasional cyclones do occur in western Meghalaya their severity being more during monsoon season. The Districts close to Bangladesh like South West Garo Hills, South Garo Hills, South West Khasi Hills, West Khasi Hills, fall in very high cyclonic zone due to close proximity to Bay of Bengal (which is a cyclone basin). In this zone wind speed can reach up-to 50 m/s, which can cause large scale damages. The Bay of Bengal accounts for seven percent of the annual tropical cyclone activity worldwide; the recorded frequency of cyclones per year along the Bay of Bengal is four and inevitably one of the four transforms into a severe cyclone causing human and property losses


The State with hilly terrain does not suffer from a major problem from floods, However, due to heavy rain, flash floods may be caused resulting in river bank erosion and some local damage. In Meghalaya, Natural hazards and related issues of Meghalayafloods occur in river valleys, when flow exceeds the capacity of the river channel, particularly at bends or meanders. The plain areas of Meghalaya adjoining Assam are affected by flood due to the back flow of water from the River Brahmaputra during the flood season between June and October. The tributaries like Krishnai, Jinari, Jingjiram, Rongai, Dudhnoi, Ringgi, Gohai, Dilni etc cause flood in the plain areas of the State.


Meghalaya being a hilly terrain is prone to landslides. Every year a number of landslides have been reported from various localities. These cause a lot of miseries to public, resulting in loss of lives and properties, disruption of communication network, besides causing economic burden on the society. Landslide is primarily attributed to high slope, immature geology, neo-tectonic activity, heavy rainfall, unplanned and improper land use practice in the State. Landslides generally occur during heavy rains, that is during the months of June to October in Meghalaya.

Southern part of Meghalaya is more susceptible to Landslides than the Northern Part. National Highways like Bajengdoba-Tura-Dalu, Damra–Siju-Baghmara, Guwahati – Shillong- Tamabil, and Shillong- Jowai- Badarpur are prone to landslides.

Landslide occurred frequently at Sonapur on Shillong- Jowai- Badarpur Road, but now the problem has been mitigated by constructing a tunnel for the vehicular traffic. Urban areas of Shillong and Tura, Jowai are also prone to landslides due to the faulty Construction of Houses and rapid Urbanization.

Lightning and Hailstorms

Lightning occurs during the monsoon months and can strike at any place. Hailstorm generally occurs in the pre and post monsoon months. Some loss of crops lives and properties due to lightning and hailstorms are reported in the state.

Hazard Specific Mitigation Plan

The State Disaster Management Authority was established in the State under the Chairmanship of the Chief Minister with 8 other members under section 14 of the Disaster Management Act, 2005 by a Government notification dated 26th June, 2008. It is the apex body for disaster management in the State.

The State Executive Committee headed by the Chief Secretary with 4 other Secretaries as members was also set up to assist the State Disaster Management Authority in the performance of its functions.

The District Disaster Management Authorities under the Chairmanship of the Deputy Commissioners and Chief Executive Members of the District Councils as Co-Chairmen with 5 District Officials as members were also set up for the better management of disasters in the Districts.

Similarly at the Block and Village levels Block Disaster Management Committee and the Village Disaster Management Committee were set up headed by the respective Block Development Officers and the Village Headmen. The State Disaster Management Authority, has set uMock drill by NGO’sMock drill by NGO’sp a State Disaster Management Secretariat in 2010 which is located in the Office of the Director of Land Records and Surveys, Lower Lachumere, Shillong. The day to day functioning of the SDMA is looked after by the Executive Officer of the Secretariat.

Functions of SDMA

Framing of Disaster Management Policy and the preparation of the State Disaster Management Plan, reviewing the preparedness, prevention, mitigation and capacity building measures in the State.

Activities of SDMA

The preparedness, prevention, mitigation and capacity building programmes.

The Disaster Risk Reduction Project funded by the UNDP which focuses on the awareness programmes, capacity building, strengthening of the disaster management institutions are being implemented in the three districts of East Khasi Hills. West Garo Hills and the Jaintia Hills, While the Urban Risk Reduction Programme is being implemented in the capital city Shillong through the SDMA Secretariat the Capacity Building Programme is under the 13th Finance Commission.  Besides, Hazard Risk Vulnerability Assessment (HRVA) will also be carried out for the Shillong city and the West Garo Hills through North Eastern Space Application Centre, Umiam.

State Disaster Response Fund is available for management of disasters in the State. An advance amount from the fund is made available to the Deputy Commissioners to meet any emergency arising out of disasters.




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