Scheduled Tribe of Meghalaya

Scheduled Tribe of Meghalaya

  • Based on 2011 Census total popultaion of India is 121.08 Crore out of which ST population is 10.45 Crore (8.6%) .
  • The tribal communities in India are enormously diverse and heterogeneous. There are wide ranging diversities among them in respect of languages spoken, size of population and mode of livelihood.
  • The number of communities that find their place in the list of the Schedule of the Indian constitution is reflective of this diversity. The Government of India, in its Draft National Tribal Policy, 2006 records 698 Scheduled Tribes in India.
  • As per the Census of India 2011, the number of individual groups notified as Scheduled Tribes is 705.Scheduled Tribe of Meghalaya
  • Tribes of Meghalaya represent the inhabitants of Meghalaya who reside in the foothills as well as within the mountain ranges of Garo, Khasi and Jaintia.
  • The origin of these tribes can be traced from the Tibeto-Burman race and Proto Austroloid Monkhmer race. While the Garos can be traced as the descendents of Tibeto-Burman race, the Khasis and the Jaintias are claimed to have belonged to the Proto Austroloid Monkhmer race.
  • Along with this there are a number of tribes like the Bhois, Khynriams and the Wars who reside in the northern, southern and central parts of Meghalaya.
  • Largely the tribal groups follow Christianity though the state follows all the 3 religions namely Hinduism, Buddhism as well as Christianity.
  • Tribes of Meghalaya are distinctly marked for their social structure. The traditional dress of Meghalaya is known as ‘Jymphong’ which is often worn during the festivals and ceremonies.
  • The tribal society of Meghalaya primarily depends on subsistence agriculture.

In According to 2011 Census and Ministry of Tribal Affiars Reports the Tribal Polpulation of Meghalaya

Total Population of Meghalaya


Total Population of ST in Meghalaya


Percentage of ST population on Meghalaya


% STs in the State to total ST population in India


Sex Ratio in STs (Gender Composition of Scheduled Tribe Population) 1013
Literacy Rates of ST Population in State 74.4%


Total Scheduled Tribes in Meghalaya that included in Constiturional List of Scheduled tribe by Government of India through President order with Name like


  1. Chakma
  2. Dimasa, Kachari
  3. Garo
  4. Hajong
  5. Hmar
  6. Khasi, Jaintia, Synteng, Pnar, War,
  7. Bhoi, Lyngngam
  8. Any Kuki tribes, including:-
    1. Biate, Biete
    2. Changsan
    3. Chongloi
    4. Doungel
    5. Gamalhou
    6. Gangte
    7. Guite
    8. Hanneng
    9. Haokip, Haupit
    10. Haolai
    11. Hengna
    12. Hongsungh
    13. Hrangkhwal, Rangkhol
    14. Jongbe
    15. Khawchung
    16. Khawathlang, Khothalong
    17. Khelma
    18. Kholhou
    19. Kipgen
    20. Kuki
    21. Lengthang
    22. Lhangum
    23. Lhoujem
    24. Lhouvun
    25. Lupheng
    26. Mangjel
    27. Misao
    28. Riang
    29. Sairhem
    30. Selnam
    31. Singson
    32. Sitlhou
    33. Sukte
    34. Thado
    35. Thangngeu
    36. Uibuh
    37. Vaiphei
  9. Lakher
  10. Man (Tai Speaking)
  11. Any Mizo (Lushai) tribes
  12. Mikir
  13. Any Naga tribes
  14. Pawi
  15. Synteng
  16. Boro Kacharis
  17. Koch
  18. Raba, Rava


State  List of the Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups

PVTGs, currently including 75 tribal groups, have been identified as such on the basis of the following criteria:

  1. forest-dependent livelihoods,
  2. pre-agricultural level of existence,
  3. stagnant or declining population,
  4. low literacy rates
  5. a subsistence-based economy.

As currently there is no tribal group included in this list.

Sixth Scheduled of Consstitution which govern these tribes

The original Sixth Schedule areas created in 1952 underwent a drastic reorganization in 1971; some areas were put under newly created States such as Mizoram and Meghalaya which were carved out of the erstwhile Assam State. The Sixth Schedule (Article 244 (2) and 275 (1)) provides for administration of Tribal Areas in the States of Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram through Autonomous District and Regional Councils endowed with legislative, judicial, and executive powers.

The Sixth Schedule under Article 244 (2) provides for the creation of Autonomous District Councils (ADC) in an Autonomous District and Regional Councils for autonomous regions. These Councils have legislative powers on matters relating to:

  • allotment, occupation, or the setting apart of land, other than reserved forests, for the purpose of agricultural or grazing or for residential or other non-agricultural purposes or for any other purpose likely to promote the interests of the inhabitants of any village or town (Provided that nothing in such laws shall prevent the compulsory acquisition of any land, whether occupied or unoccupied for public purpose)
  • management of any forest not being a Reserved Forest
  • use of any canal or water course for purpose of agriculture
  • regulation of the practice of jhum or any other form of shifting cultivation
  • establishment of village or town committees or Councils and their powers
  • any other matter relating to village or town administration, including village and town police, public health and sanitation
  • appointment of succession of chiefs or headmen
  • inheritance of property
  • marriage and divorce
  • social custom
  • The entire State of Meghalaya except Shillong area is covered under the provisions of the Sixth Schedule of the Constitution. Meghalaya has three Autonomous District Councils under the Sixth Schedule of the Constitution. These are –
  1. Khasi Hills Autonomous District Council (KHADC),
  2. Garo Hills Autonomous District Council (GHADC),
  3. and the Jaintia Hills Autonomous District Council (JHADC).


Major Tribal Group of Meghalaya

Garo Tribe of Meghalaya:

  • The Garos are mainly distributed over the Kamrup, Goalpara and Karbi Anglong districts of Assam, Garo Hills and few in Khasi Hills in Meghalaya and Dimapur (Nagaland State), substantial numbers, about 200,000 are found in greater Mymens ingh ( Tangail, Jamalpur, Sherpore, Netrakona, Mymensingh) and capital Dhaka, Gazipur, Sirajgonj, Rangpur, Sunamganj, Sylhet, Moulovibazar districts of Bangladesh. It is estimated that total Garo population in India and Bangladesh together is about 1 million.
  • They originally belong to the Bodo family from the Tibetan-Burmese race; also reside in the plains of Assam and Bangladesh.
  • The Garo language belongs to the Bodo–Garo branch of the Tibeto-Burman language family.
  • The Garos are one of the few remaining matrilineal societies in the world. The individuals take their clan titles from their mothers. Traditionally, the youngest daughter (nokmechik) inherits the property from her mother. Sons leave the parents’ house at puberty, and are trained in the village bachelor dormitory (nokpante). After getting married, the man lives in his wife’s house. Garos are only a matrilinear society, but not matriarchal. While the property is owned by women, the men govern the society and domestic affairs and manage the property. This provides security to Garo women.
  • Like other tribes in Meghalaya these tribes too follow maternal lineage in case of inheritance of property and enjoy all kind of vegetarian well as non-vegetarian food in case of regional delicacies.
  • The Garos rely on nature, their profession is hunting and warrior known as They practice jhum cultivation which is the most common agricultural tradition.
  • The most popular food of the Garo tribes is rice with capsicum, onion and salt.
  • Garo literature mainly transferred from generation to generation and one place to another orally. Most of the oral tradition now become the element of Garo literature
  • Greatest among Garo festivals is the Wangala, usually celebrated in October or November, is thanksgiving after harvest in which Saljong, the god who provides mankind with Nature’s bounties and ensures their prosperity, is honor.

Khasi Tribe of Meghalaya:

  • According to the 2011 Census of India, over 1.72 million Khasi lived in Meghalaya in the districts of East Khasi Hills, West Khasi Hills, South West Khasi Hills, Ri-Bhoi, West Jaintia Hills and East Jaintia Hills. In Assam, their population reached 35,000.
  • They are the largest tribal group of North eastern region. Khasis are known with a number of names in different parts of Meghalaya.
  • The Khasi people of the War sub-tribe designed and built the famous living root bridgesof the Cherrapunji
  • As a religion they follow Christianity (85%), Ka Niam Khasi (10%), Hinduism (3%), and Islam (2%)
  • The Khasis are, for the most part, Their social organisation does not favour other forms of marriage; therefore, deviation from this norm is quite rare. Young men and women are permitted considerable freedom in the choice of mates. Potential marriage partners are likely to have been acquainted before betrothal.
  • The traditional political structure of the Khasi community was democratic in nature. The Khasis consisted of ‘native states’ which would congregate during dorbars or sessions and come to a decision regarding any dispute or problems that would arise in the community much like the Panchayati Raj prevalent in most Indian States

Jaintia Tribe of Meghalaya:

  • Jaintias too reside in the foot hills of Jaintia Hills from where they collect their name.
  • These are a type of Khasi tribe which further includes Bhoi in the northern Meghalaya; Khynriam in the central Meghalaya; Pnar of the Jaintia hills; War in the southern Meghalaya.
  • Achiks are another group of Garo tribes who comprise one third of Meghalaya’s tribal community.

Meghalaya Human Development Index


Meghalaya Human  Development  Index

The State of Meghalaya is situated on the north east of India. It extends for about 300 kilometres in length and about 100 kilometres in breadth. It is bounded on the north by Goalpara, KamrupandNowgong districts, on the east by KarbiAnglong and North Cachar Hills districts, all of Assam, and on the south and west by Bangladesh.

Meghalaya is subject to vagaries of the monsoon. The average annual rainfall is about 2600 mm over western Meghalaya, between 2500 to 3000 mm over northern Meghalaya and about 4000 mm over south-eastern Meghalaya. There is a great variation of rainfall over central and southern Meghalaya. Meghalaya Human  Development  Index

Meghalaya is basically an Agricultural State with about 80% of its total population depending entirely on Agriculture for their livelihood. Rainfall varies from place to place and from altitude to altitude. The amount of rainfall over Cherrapunjee and Mawsynram is quite heavy. During the last two decades, it has ranged from 11,995 mm to 14,189 mm in Cherrapunjee and over Mawsynram it was 10,689 mm to 13,802 mm.


The Human Development Index (HDI) is a comparative measure of quality of life. It mainly comprise three components:-

  1. A long and healthy life: Life expectancy at birth.
  2. Education index: Mean years of schooling and Expected years of schooling.
  3. A decent standard of living: GNI per capita (PPP US$)for countries worldwide. It is a standard means of measuring well-being, especially child welfare.
    It is used to distinguish whether the country is a developed, a developing or an under-developed country, and also to measure the impact of economic policies on quality of life.

                                   According to Global Hunger Index – 2017, only 9.6 per cent of our children, between 6 and 23 months of age, receive adequate diet and 97 million children in India are underweight! Thus Indian economy is going to face a gigantic problem of unhealthy and unskilled work-force in the future, which will further degrade our resources into liabilities. Ironically, according to a study, two-thirds of food to feed 600 million poor Indians is lost as  hungry millions do not have enough purchasing power to buy the same. Now, government itself can buy it from farmers with minimum support price (MSP). It will certainly stop the incidence of farmers’ suicides. The excess food can then be distributed to students in addition to the midday meal. This will attract more students to school and address the issues like illiteracy, school dropout, child labour, hunger and malnutrition.

In the Human Development Index (HDI) of India for the year 2011, Meghalaya is ranked 26th with 0.585(Medium) HDI value.

Measures of HDI indicators for Meghalaya:-

  1. Mizoram per capita income in 2009-10:- Rs 35,323,
  2. Literacy according 2011 census :-84% (24th rank),the male literacy rate is 77.2 per cent and the female literacy rate is 73.8 per cent. In 2011-12, the state had a total of 43,102 teachers in lower primary & upper primary schools, 4,621 teachers in secondary schools and 526 teachers in higher secondary schools.
  3. Education index of Meghalaya :- 0.512,(28th rank).

Meghalaya, among the eight North Eastern States, is ranked 7th, only above Assam which has 0.534 HDI value in 2011.
Meghalaya’s first HDI report “Meghalaya Human Development Report 2008” was published in 2009, and has been the sole report since to indicate the health of the State to the world.The report clearly indicated that the rate of development in Meghalaya is slower than in most of the state and hence, been lagging behind while many states have improved their ranking.
The report highlighted that the health sector is poor and East Khasi Hills tops in HDI and GDI among the districts followed by West Garo Hills.
The report seemed to highlight Meghalaya being significantly behind in almost all sectors in comparison all other states while it failed to furnish full details, which could make it possible to make better comparisons.
Even then, a new report is yet to be furnished.

State-wise HDI score and rank 1992-93 to 2005-06 for north east states:-

  HDI Rank HDI Rank
States 1992-93 1992-93 2005-06 2005-06
Arunachal Pradesh 0.130 8 0.082 8
Assam 0.450 2 0.472 2
Manipur 0.372 3 0.440 4
Meghalaya 0.176 7 0.208 7
Mizoram 0.657 1 0.622 1
Nagaland 0.332 4 0.292 6
Sikkim 0.327 5 0.462 2
Tripura 0.269 6 0.439 5


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