Horticulture in Meghalaya

Horticulture in Meghalaya

Meghalaya has three factors conducive for the development of horticulture – vast land suitable for horticulture development, diversity in agro-climatic factors making cultivation of an array of crops feasible and established tradition of horticulture activity making further expansion easy.

A large extent of land is available in the form of fallows, cultivable waste and miscellaneous tree crops. Most of this land is in hill slopes and is more suitable for plantation and fruit crops than traditional agricultural crops. With diversity in elevation, temperature, topography and rainfall a variety of horticultural crops can be grown.

Meghalaya has a long history of growing horticultural crops. Potato, Pineapple, orange, turmeric, ginger and areca nut are grown traditionally and besides these crops, a variety of new crops like tea, cashew and strawberry have been introduced. Most of the land used for these crops is not suitable for traditional agricultural crops like cereals, pulses, oil seeds and fibres. With the introduction of Horticulture in MeghalayaHorticulture Mission for North Eastern & Himalayan States, a lot of area expansion has taken place, but the programme has had little impact on marketing and processing. This can be taken as a potential for future development of the sector.


  • Cluster approach to strengthen the existing concentration of crops. For each crop post harvest management and value chain management will be given emphasis so that additional income and employment will be generated in the State itself.
  • New technologies in Post-Harvest infrastructure like grading, packaging, ripening chambers will be introduced for the major crops in areas of their concentrations. As it is difficult to attract huge investment to start large scale processing units, small scale and cottage units will be encouraged and support will be provided for them.
  • Farmers associations (FPOs & FIGs, etc) will be promoted for development of horticulture as a holistic approach.
  • Convergence with other programmes will be established for optimising the resource use.
  • Demonstration of new technologies and crop management practices are being taken up with farmers and other stakeholders.

Quality planting material production

As good quality planting material is the backbone of any horticultural economy, this is one of the most important issues to be addressed, especially since there has been tremendous expansion of cultivation (under convergent schemes like the RKVY, BRGF, NREGS in addition to the normal schemes of the Department) and since around 60% of planting material is imported into the State either from nurseries in other States or from outside the country, resulting in increased production costs and draining of valuable foreign exchange. Moreover, the bulk of supply is from small, unregistered nurseries where quality is difficult to enforce.

The State will seek the involvement of the private sector through the establishment of nurseries, which could be registered and affiliated with the NHB and other recognised agencies, so that quality standards are adhered to and a system of surveillance and certification of the operating standards and planting material are put in place.

It is envisged that this will usher in income-earning opportunities for retired Departmental officers and entrepreneurial avenues for fresh unemployed graduates. The Planting Material Production Centres (PMPCs) set up with grants from the 13th Finance Commission, will produce quality planting material for new crops like strawberry, kiwi, raspberry and blackberry as well as for traditonal crops like potato, cashew, citrus (orange and sweet oranges), pineapple, spices (turmeric, ginger, black pepper) and temperate fruits. These PMPCs will be geared to cater not only to the planting material needs of their own clusters, but also to the needs of the other districts of the State as well as other States of the North East. The objective, in the long run, is to turn Meghalaya into a planting material destination for the entire North East.


Area expansion

Model orchards : There are a number of unique fruit crops which are indigenous to the State with tremendous commercial potential, but which have never been properly utilized due to the lack of organized cultivation. The area under many of these crops is declining and some are on the verge of extinction. Keeping in view the need to preserve the horticultural heritage of the State and to provide for the commercial cultivation and exploitation of these crops, there is an imperative need to demonstrate the economic viability of these crops through the establishment of model orchards. In order to make these model orchards successful, for emulation by the farming community, and to ensure their continuity, it is proposed that the orchards be set up within and in conjunction with the integrated farming proposed to be implemented in the micro-watersheds.

Theme villages : The remarkable success achieved in the ‘’Strawberry Village’’ of Sohliya in the Ri Bhoi district will be transferred to different crops and villages of the State. At least 1000 farmers in each such area will be motivated to take up cultivation of selected crops – Orchid Valley in Zikzak horti-hub area, Kiwi Village in the uplands in the vicinity of Shillong, Strawberry Villages in other districts, Citrus Hills in the Nokrek range, Pineapple Hills in the Chibinang area, etc.

Rejuvenation of citrus & cashew: The senile plantations of citrus and cashew will be brought under systematic and scientific rejuvenation to restore the profitability of these traditional crops for the benefit of this group of farmers, especially considering the potential for export of these crops to neighboring Bangladesh.

Post harvest management and processing

Meghalaya is predominantly a horticultural state where a wide range of fruit crops both indigenous and exotic are grown abundantly in different altitudes of the State. During the peak season of harvest the State experiences glut in the market and the farmers are not getting remunerative prices for their produces. To overcome the said problem the State had established two processing centres located in Shillong, East Khasi Hills district and Dainadubi in North Garo Hills district.

The objectives of these Centres were to demonstrate, develop value addition technology for the farmers and entrepreneurs of the State. These two Processing Centres are being upgraded and the products marketed as MEG brand. The Department had initiated programme on modernization of arecanut soakage tanks traditionally practiced by the farmers. These improved technologies have generated additional livelihood to the arecanut growers of the state. The Lakadong variety of Turmeric has high Curcumin content between 7 to 8 percent. Capitalizing on the potential of the turmeric grown in the State the Government had taken step to improve the processing technology adopted by the farmers. Effort is being made to attract private investment in the PHM sector by scaling up volume of production, especially targeting niche markets outside the country and setting up of scientific modern storage facilities across the state Traditional crops like ginger, turmeric, pineapple, citrus, potato and vegetables are the mainstay of a majority of the farmers of the State.

Marketing infrastructure

Farmers markets, implemented during the 11th Plan, will be expanded to cover more areas within the State during the 12th Plan, where farmers market will be tried on the hub and spoke model – large central markets and satellite markets in their hinterland. The effective functioning of farmers markets depends to a large extent on the flow and easy availability of market related information to enable farmers to take proper and profitable market decisions based on reliable real time data. Market information system is thus a crucial and urgent intervention that would be made in order to make Farmers Markets viable and vibrant entities leading to the evolution of a much more transparent marketing system.


Agriculture in Meghalaya

Agriculture in Meghalaya

Meghalaya is basically an agricultural state with about 80% of its population depending entirely on agriculture for their livelihood. Nearly 10% of the geographical area of Meghalaya is under cultivation. Agriculture in the state is characterised by limited use of modern techniques, low yields and low productivity. As a result, despite the vast majority of the population being engaged in agriculture, the contribution of agricultural production to the state’s GDP is low, and most of the population engaged in agriculture remain poor. A portion of the cultivated area is under the traditional shifting agriculture known locally as Jhum cultivation.Agriculture in Meghalaya

Meghalaya produced 230,000 tonnes of food grains in 2001. Rice is the dominant food grain crop accounting for over 80% of the food grain production in the state. Other important food grain crops are maize, wheat and a few other cereals and pulses. Besides these, potato, ginger, turmeric, black pepper, areca nut, tezpatta, betelvine, short-staple cotton, jute, mesta, mustard and rapeseed etc. are some of the important cash crops. Besides the major food crops of rice and maize, the state is renowned for its horticultural crops like orange, lemon, pineapple, guava, litchi, banana, jack fruits and fruits such as plum, pear and peach.

Oilseeds such as rapeseed, mustard, linseed, soybean, castor and sesame are grown on nearly 100 km2 (39 sq mi). Rape and mustard are the most important oilseeds accounting for well over two-thirds of the oilseed production of nearly 6.5 thousand tonnes. Fibre crops such as cotton, jute and mesta are among the only cash crops in Meghalaya, grown in Garo Hills.These have been losing popularity in recent years as indicated by their declining yield and area under cultivation.

Climatic conditions in Meghalaya permit a large variety of horticulture crops including fruits, vegetables, flowers, spices, mushrooms and medicinal plants.These are considered to be higher value crops, but home food security concerns have prevented farmers at large from embracing them. The important fruits grown include citrus fruits, pineapples, papayas, and bananas. In addition to this, a large variety of vegetables are grown in the state, including cauliflower, cabbages and radishes.

Shifting cultivation

Shifting cultivation or slash and burn agriculture is the most prevalent form of agricultural practice of the ethnic people and is commonly called Jhum or Swidden cultivation, which is one of the most ancient systems of farming believed to have originated in the Neolithic period around 7000 B C. This system is a primitive cultivation technique and is transition between food gathering and hunting to food production. The system of farming is still in vogue in Meghalaya as well as whole northeast Himalayan region. About 350,000 people practice shifting cultivation on about 4,160 km² of unsurveyed land. Shifting cultivation is a very wide term covering a number of very different forms of land use, its essential feature beings that the land is cleared and agricultural crops are grown for a limited period, which may range from one to over ten years, after which the cultivation is moved to a new site. The cultivators may or may not intend to return to the old site after the fertility of the soil has recovered.

The practice of shifting cultivation is short and has a variable fallow period. In general, hill people who live in tropical region practice shifting cultivation. After a piece of land is selected, trees or bushes are cut down partially or fully, left to dry and then burnt in situ. In the cleared land, seeds of crops are dibbled into holes or broadcast, without using ploughs or animal power. When the crop yield begins to decrease after some years, the cultivator moves to a new patch of forest to repeat the process, and allows the abandoned land to recuperate. After a period varying from 2-20 yrs, they return to the same land for cultivation. At present the duration of the fallow cycle has been reduced to 3 – 5 yrs in most of the northeastern states of India, this may be due to overwhelming pressure on land.

Shifting cultivation is the most primitive form of cultivation of agricultural crops. This practice has continued for thousands of years and stood the test of time. This practice has an in-built mechanism of sustenance and conservation. However, due to anthropogenic pressure on land use for shifting cultivation adversely affecting eco-restoration and ecological process of forests. This leads to degradation of land causing soil erosion and finally converting forests into wastelands. Shifting cultivation is mostly practiced in community forests of Meghalaya. In the state, the village council commonly called Dorbar Shnong owns the land, and allots the forestland for cultivation. The main interest of the cultivators is to produce almost everything that they need to fulfill their requirement.

Terrace or Bun cultivation

Bun cultivation on hill slopes and valleys is a settled cultivation system being practiced for last three decades, to provide improved production system, to conserve soil moisture and also to prevent land degradation and soil erosion. In this system, bench terraces are constructed on hill slopes running across the slopes. The space between two buns is leveled using cut and hill method. The vertical interval between the terraces is not usually more than one metre. Such measures help to prevent soil erosion and retaining maximum rainwater within the slopes and safely disposing off the excess runoff from the slopes to the foothills.


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