Economic Terms

Depository Receipt

A depositary receipt (DR) is a type of negotiable (transferable) financial security that is traded on a local stock exchange but represents a security, usually in the form of equity, that is issued by a foreign publicly listed company. The DR, which is a physical certificate, allows investors to hold shares in equity of other countries. One of the most common types of DRs is the American depositary receipt (ADR), which has been offering companies, investors and traders global investment opportunities since the 1920s.

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Public Economics

Public Economics

Study of economic efficiency, distribution and government economic policy.

Developed out of the original political economy of JS Mill and David Ricardo. It is a very important branch of economics because of the foundation it provides for practical policy analysis.

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  • Following elements mainly affect the magnitude of the poverty ration
    • The nutrition norm in the base year
    • Price deflator used to update the poverty line
    • Pro rata adjustment in the number of households in different expenditure classes to determine the number of households below and above poverty line.
  • Agricultural wage earners, small and marginal farmers and casual workers engaged in non-agricultural activities constitute the bulk of the rural poor

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